Champion Racer Room
Transform your child's room into a champion's playground with our Champion Racer Kids Room set! This set includes everything a young racer needs for their bedroom, inspiring them to take risks and race towards their dreams. Includes bed, dresser, and nightstand.
The GTE Car Bed, which has a real sports car appearance with its interior and exterior design, offers a great option for children's rooms with its red color. It enriches your children's imagination with its realistic locking sound, star rims, and LED lighting design. Thanks to the durable material polystyrene used in its production, the GTE Car Bed, which is quite safe, can be used for many years.
Offer include:
Carbed-red (90x195 Cm) 20.02.1334.01
Dimensions: Width: 126 cm | Height: 66 cm | Depth: 225 cm -
3 Doors Wardrobe 20.35.1004.00
Dimensions: Width: 120cm | Height: 202 cm | Depth: 57 cm -
Petrol Dresser 20.35.1203.00
Dimensions: Width: 71 cm | Height: 143 cm | Depth: 41,5 cm
Galoon Bedstand 20.35.1602.00
Dimensions :Width: 71 cm | Height: 143 cm | Depth: 41,5 cm
بحسب توافر المنتجات يمكنكم زيادة اصناف اخرى، واو يمكنكم تغيير بعض الاصناف مثل السرير او الخزائن بقياس اكبر او اصغر.
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