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Baby Stroller VIOLA up to 22kg +Bag



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The lorelli Viola set in addition to its excellent appearance is practical, safe and will provide comfortable walks to your child.

It has a stretch -resistant frame made of aluminum alloy and large wheels that offer increased rolling and comfort quality and will overtake any abnormality!

  1. This baby stroller is appropriate for children weighing up to 22 kg or at age up to 4 years whichever occurs first!
  2. The height of the carried child in the stroller should not exceed 104 cm!
  3. Use a parking device if you do not hold the stroller in hand!
  4. Do not leave the stroller on hills or inclined surfaces even if you have activated the parking system!
  5. Parking devices shall be engaged when placing and removing the children!
  6. The shopping basket can take a maximum load of 2 kg!
  7. Any load attached to the handle and/or on the back of the backrest and/or on the sides of the vehicle will affect the stability of the vehicle! Maximum load of the accessory bag 1 kg. Do not hand in any additional bags!
  8. Regularly check for loose parts! Make routine inspections, and regularly maintain, clean, and/or wash the vehicle!
  9. The vehicle shall be used only for 1 child!
  10. Accessories that are not approved by the manufacturer shall not be used!
  11. Only spare parts delivered or recommended by the manufacturer/ distributor can be used!
  12. Always use the restraint system! Always use the crotch belt in combination with the waist belt! To prevent injury from a fall or a slip off always use the shoulder straps!
  13. Make sure that the safety belts are placed properly!
  14. The stroller should always be used under the supervision of an adult!
  15. Do not allow children to suspend him/herself or play in the stroller!
  16. Do not allow children to stand in the stroller!
  17. Do not allow your child to stand on the seat and footrest!
  18. Do not use the stroller on uneven surfaces near fire or other dangerous places!
  19. Do not use the stroller on stairs and escalators!
  20. Fold the stroller before go upstairs and downstairs. Mounting the stroller on stairs, pavements and others with the child in it and by pushing the handle causes deformation of the stroller and is out of warranty repair!
  21. Adjusting of the backrest must be made only by a person read carefully the instruction rules for adjusting!
  22. Any additional baggage left in the stroller may cause it to become unstable!
  23. The person who assembles the stroller must be familiarized with its functions!
  24. WARNING! Use only the mattress/pad sold with this stroller. Do not add any additional mattresses unless recommended one by the manufacturer!
  25. WARNING! For children under 6 months, please place the mattress/pad above the belts. Picture 32;33. WARNING! Start using the safety belts immediately after your child is capable of sitting without external assistance!
  26. The front bar can not be used as a carry handle.
  27. The car seat I-SIZE (additional accessory, not included in the set)
  28. When using the car seat: This vehicle does not replace a cot or a bed. Should your child need to sleep, then it should be placed in a suitable pram body, cot or bed.


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